Thursday, July 31, 2008

36 weeks along!

Time is growing short and I am hoping this is the last pic. I have to take of me preggo! =) I get to go to the Doctor today for my follow up from the hospital but I am hoping he will also find I am dialated a little. We shall see. Wish me luck. =)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Bell's Palsey

Well, I have had quite an adventure the last few days. It all started Sunday when I woke up and my tongue was numb. I can be a little bit of a hypocondriac so I let everyone in my family assure me that it was nothing to be concerned with. Well, Monday when I woke up the right-side of my face was numb. Now it was not a matter of me just making something out of nothing, something was really wrong. I called my OB/GYN and he told me to go to the ER. After two+ hours of waiting, one doctor up in the Labor and Delivery unit tells me that he is 99.9% sure I have Bell's Palsey, (facial paralysis) and it was nothing to worry about and it would probably go away after I have Megan. Just to be on the safe side, however, he wanted me to go back down to the ER and have a couple of tests run just to be 100% sure of his prognosis. I spent 6 hours in the ER on a hard bed in a room while they poked and prodded me. I even got a CT scan. Then another doctor tells me he is worried I have a blood clot near my brain or I have had a Brain-Stem stroke, so he wants me to see a neurologist and get an MRI just to be safe. Only one problem, there is no neurologist at the Hospital I was at and I would have to be transfered via ambulance to another hospital 45 minutes away. Oh the fun! By the time I get to the other hospital it is after 7pm and I can not get a MRI until the next morning. Did I think to bring an overnight bag, or even a toothbrush, NO! Luckily Wal-Mart is everywhere, and I have a wonderful hubby willing to be and errand-boy! =) Anyway, I would say "long story short" but I know it is way too late for that; but, according to the MRI, I do have a brain and there is nothing wrong with it, HOORAY!!

So now I get to look funny for the next few weeks, or possibly months. I have facial paralysis on the left-side of my face and I cannot close my left eye or move that side of my mouth. I am going to be brave and post so photos, but please don't laugh. I know it looks comical, but I am still not ready to make jokes yet, give me time.

My hubby kept teasing me in the ER saying "quit winking at me, I know I am sexy!" =P

Being the comidian he thinks he is, Paul says that if I still have this Palsey at Halloween, I can be the Hunchback or Eegore! ;)

I guess it is vanity that makes me self-concious of my appearance right now, but it will be hard for me to go out into public anytime soon. I did not take a pic yet, but I have to sleep with an eye-patch on since my eye won't close. It is quite a comical sight, but I do not think I am brave enough to take that pic. yet. =)